冷冻切片(FS)是手术操作期间组织微观评估的制备方法。该程序的高速允许病理学医师快速评估关键的微观特征,例如肿瘤边距和恶性地位,以引导手术决策,并尽量减少对操作过程的干扰。然而,FS容易引入许多误导性的人工结构(组织学人工制品),例如核冰晶,压缩和切割人工制品,妨碍了病理学家的及时和准确的诊断判断。额外的培训和长期经验通常需要对冻结部分进行高度有效和时间关键的诊断。另一方面,福尔马林固定和石蜡嵌入(FFPE)的黄金标准组织制备技术提供了显着优越的图像质量,而是一种非常耗时的过程(12-48小时),使其不适合术语用。在本文中,我们提出了一种人工智能(AI)方法,通过在几分钟内将冻结的整个幻灯片(FS-WSIS)计算冻结的整个幻灯片(FS-WSIS)来改善FS图像质量。 AI-FFPE将FS人工制品终止了注意力机制的指导,该引导机制在利用FS输入图像和合成的FFPE样式图像之间利用建立的自正则化机制,以及综合相关特征的合成的FFPE样式图像。结果,AI-FFPE方法成功地生成了FFPE样式图像,而不会显着扩展组织处理时间,从而提高诊断准确性。我们证明了使用各种不同的定性和定量度量,包括来自20个董事会认证的病理学家的视觉图灵测试的各种不同的定性和定量度量。
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We extend best-subset selection to linear Multi-Task Learning (MTL), where a set of linear models are jointly trained on a collection of datasets (``tasks''). Allowing the regression coefficients of tasks to have different sparsity patterns (i.e., different supports), we propose a modeling framework for MTL that encourages models to share information across tasks, for a given covariate, through separately 1) shrinking the coefficient supports together, and/or 2) shrinking the coefficient values together. This allows models to borrow strength during variable selection even when the coefficient values differ markedly between tasks. We express our modeling framework as a Mixed-Integer Program, and propose efficient and scalable algorithms based on block coordinate descent and combinatorial local search. We show our estimator achieves statistically optimal prediction rates. Importantly, our theory characterizes how our estimator leverages the shared support information across tasks to achieve better variable selection performance. We evaluate the performance of our method in simulations and two biology applications. Our proposed approaches outperform other sparse MTL methods in variable selection and prediction accuracy. Interestingly, penalties that shrink the supports together often outperform penalties that shrink the coefficient values together. We will release an R package implementing our methods.
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Modern deep learning models are over-parameterized, where the optimization setup strongly affects the generalization performance. A key element of reliable optimization for these systems is the modification of the loss function. Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) modifies the underlying loss function to guide descent methods towards flatter minima, which arguably have better generalization abilities. In this paper, we focus on a variant of SAM known as mSAM, which, during training, averages the updates generated by adversarial perturbations across several disjoint shards of a mini-batch. Recent work suggests that mSAM can outperform SAM in terms of test accuracy. However, a comprehensive empirical study of mSAM is missing from the literature -- previous results have mostly been limited to specific architectures and datasets. To that end, this paper presents a thorough empirical evaluation of mSAM on various tasks and datasets. We provide a flexible implementation of mSAM and compare the generalization performance of mSAM to the performance of SAM and vanilla training on different image classification and natural language processing tasks. We also conduct careful experiments to understand the computational cost of training with mSAM, its sensitivity to hyperparameters and its correlation with the flatness of the loss landscape. Our analysis reveals that mSAM yields superior generalization performance and flatter minima, compared to SAM, across a wide range of tasks without significantly increasing computational costs.
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In this paper, we view a policy or plan as a transition system over a space of information states that reflect a robot's or other observer's perspective based on limited sensing, memory, computation, and actuation. Regardless of whether policies are obtained by learning algorithms, planning algorithms, or human insight, we want to know the limits of feasibility for given robot hardware and tasks. Toward the quest to find the best policies, we establish in a general setting that minimal information transition systems (ITSs) exist up to reasonable equivalence assumptions, and are unique under some general conditions. We then apply the theory to generate new insights into several problems, including optimal sensor fusion/filtering, solving basic planning tasks, and finding minimal representations for feasible policies.
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Recent increases in computing power have enabled the numerical simulation of many complex flow problems that are of practical and strategic interest for naval applications. A noticeable area of advancement is the computation of turbulent, two-phase flows resulting from wave breaking and other multiphase flow processes such as cavitation that can generate underwater sound and entrain bubbles in ship wakes, among other effects. Although advanced flow solvers are sophisticated and are capable of simulating high Reynolds number flows on large numbers of grid points, challenges in data analysis remain. Specifically, there is a critical need to transform highly resolved flow fields described on fine grids at discrete time steps into physically resolved features for which the flow dynamics can be understood and utilized in naval applications. This paper presents our recent efforts in this field. In previous works, we developed a novel algorithm to track bubbles in breaking wave simulations and to interpret their dynamical behavior over time (Gao et al., 2021a). We also discovered a new physical mechanism driving bubble production within breaking wave crests (Gao et al., 2021b) and developed a model to relate bubble behaviors to underwater sound generation (Gao et al., 2021c). In this work, we applied our bubble tracking algorithm to the breaking waves simulations and investigated the bubble trajectories, bubble creation mechanisms, and bubble acoustics based on our previous works.
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Skeleton-based Motion Capture (MoCap) systems have been widely used in the game and film industry for mimicking complex human actions for a long time. MoCap data has also proved its effectiveness in human activity recognition tasks. However, it is a quite challenging task for smaller datasets. The lack of such data for industrial activities further adds to the difficulties. In this work, we have proposed an ensemble-based machine learning methodology that is targeted to work better on MoCap datasets. The experiments have been performed on the MoCap data given in the Bento Packaging Activity Recognition Challenge 2021. Bento is a Japanese word that resembles lunch-box. Upon processing the raw MoCap data at first, we have achieved an astonishing accuracy of 98% on 10-fold Cross-Validation and 82% on Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation by using the proposed ensemble model.
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在本文中,我们介绍了基于差异驱动器快照机器人和模拟的用户研究的基于倾斜的控制的实现,目的是将相同的功能带入真正的远程介绍机器人。参与者使用平衡板来控制机器人,并通过头部安装的显示器查看了虚拟环境。使用平衡板作为控制装置的主要动机源于虚拟现实(VR)疾病;即使是您自己的身体与屏幕上看到的动作相匹配的小动作也降低了视力和前庭器官之间的感觉冲突,这是大多数关于VR疾病发作的理论的核心。为了检验平衡委员会作为控制方法的假设比使用操纵杆要少可恶意,我们设计了一个用户研究(n = 32,15名女性),参与者在虚拟环境中驾驶模拟差异驱动器机器人, Nintendo Wii平衡板或操纵杆。但是,我们的预注册的主要假设不得到支持。操纵杆并没有使参与者引起更多的VR疾病,而委员会在统计学上的主观和客观性上都更加难以使用。分析开放式问题表明这些结果可能是有联系的,这意味着使用的困难似乎会影响疾病。即使在测试之前的无限训练时间也没有像熟悉的操纵杆那样容易使用。因此,使董事会更易于使用是启用其潜力的关键。我们为这个目标提供了一些可能性。
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